Sunday, 13 February 2011

XXL - Hip-Hop double page spread  This is a double page spread from XXL magazine , this is a Hip-Hop magazine. The core attraction on this magazine is the imgae. The double page spread consists of one image using a modern artist to attract the 'modern' generation as they are very familiar with his work.
This magazine follows the conventional c shape layout this is when the image is placed on the right side of the double page and a anchor present to let the reader know that the article is finished. This magazine is targeted at people who can afford the magazine mainly people who have a job. There is use of colloquial language in the main heading of the double page spread ' Over here husltlin' this is american slang. In the article the artists also used terms such as 'okay, its cool' this is informal language although it makes the artist more relatable to the readers as this term is a common phrase which is used in everyday life. The mode of address of this double page is unformal as the interviewer is more on a friend level rather than being an interviewer. The plain white background creates a simplistic feel and the white background merges in with the models clothing the use of white can be used to attract the older audience. The article has used heavy san serif for the title of the article this may be done in order to catch the readers eye as its big and bold, a drop cap is used at the start of the article this a traditional method used in articles used to grab the readers attention as it looks odd. The is no use of props used in the image just the artist as he is the main topic of conversation and the mask on his face also adds an intrest in the article as it makes the image look mysterious and unique although his eyes are still on display this creates a connection between the readers as his gazing straight into the camera. The use of  a solid colour scheme makes the article look simple and the black text is easy to read due to the white background.

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